Tuesday, August 6, 2013

the lone traveler finds a new home

It has now been about a month since I arrived in our nation's beautiful capital.

My first week was spent suffering through a sweltering heat wave in an apartment with no air conditioning. I learned to use my resources during the hot afternoons- hopping from Smithsonian to Smithsonian to take advantage of the free air conditioning. I learned quickly to avoid the National Mall on weekends, when they became tourist mob attractions. I learned that the Metro was going to run me dry if I didn't find a job soon...

So week two was spent hopping from job interview to job interview. I finally landed one at a restaurant that was so enamored of me, they hired me within hours (and though my interviewer was a male... I like to think they were just thrilled for someone so qualified).

Amidst all the clamoring for employment, I was able to immerse myself in a bit of culture as well. My roommate is a "Middle East Enthusiast," describing herself as "obsessed". She recently returned from a year-long sojourn to Egypt and is in DC working for the Middle East Institute. Through her and her friends, I found myself experiencing more of Middle Eastern culture than I ever thought possible in such a short period of time.

Now, being a typical white American, my knowledge of the Middle East was limited to what I saw on the news- most recently conflict in Egypt. But in these past few weeks, I have heard Arabic spoken among new friends, experienced my first iftar (the breaking of fast after sundown during Ramadan), received my first belly dance lesson, and met amazing, optimistic people hoping to change the stereotype of Middle Easterners in America.

While I am not suddenly going to become an enthusiast myself, I have to say that my experiences have vastly changed my outlook. I have a newfound respect and interest in Middle Eastern culture. And though I may not be jumping at the next chance to travel to Egypt (though my roommate keeps encouraging me to do so), I am considering the idea of one day truly immersing myself in the culture.

And to think, all that in one month?! I am excited to see what the next five have in store...

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